Wednesday 1 April 2015

Photoshoots (other items)

My other photo shoots were decent shoots as I managed to a fair few decent images that I could use to create a few postcards from.

 This image was of a Vietnamese cake box, with my photo of a Korean bottle top and some of the Japanese items I could create a postcard of East Asian items. This item gave me the idea of collecting more food related items but instead of East Asian food, Eastern European, except Russia, due to the fact I already have a large selection of Russian items and I don't need anymore.
 This was one of the harder items to take a photo of because my reflection kept getting in shot so I had move away from the reflection in the keyring so that I could get the right image. After I did this I managed to get the image I was looking for without any reflection on the keyring at all. I think that it created a pretty good image in the end one that I could probably work with and be able to create a final image using this image which would be a really good thing to do.
This image is a New York fridge magnet which has been used in a postcard advertising the city. This item wasn't the most difficult to shoot, it did have a small reflection on it but I managed to avoid it when taking the photo of it. Overall looking at these photos and all of the others I took after a little bit of tweaking and changing where I take the photos the actual shoot came out really well and I have used all three of these images for either a final postcard or one of my monoprints so I am really happy with the shoot.

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